The Ellora daily photo
ellora and arno

The daily photo turns 1800!

Ellora's life in 3 minutes,
at almost 10 days/second

day 1800
day 1800

Ellora Daily Photo on YouTube

first 1800 days
all 1800 days


2012: Dorkbot presentation!

2009: IMAGO Spanish journal!

Dec. 16, 2008: Aired on Slate with appearance in Slate magazine article!

July 25, 2008: Aired on Germany's DW-TV!

Oct.14, 2007: Aired on Japan's NHK!

April 15, 2007: L.A. Times article!

This time-lapse animation is made from the first 1800 photographs of the Ellora Daily Project. The faces were aligned by manually clicking 14,400 times on the images, then registering the eyes across neighboring images using custom software. The project is still underway...

arno @